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Our knowledge acquired and handed down to each other over the years allows us to provide an excellent service in solving different problems relating to the updating of cadastral documents, as well as offering advice on the search for cadastral data and related documents. Our services include:


Execution of instrumental fractionations carried out with electro-optical equipment on both vacant and built-up land, any necessary reconfiguration.

Update cadastral maps

Drafting of types of cadastral map updates for the insertion of buildings of any type and nature.


Declaration of new construction or updating of a building to be registered, with preparation of plans according to regulations.

Surveys in general

We offer the possibility to search for and obtain cadastral and mortgage views as well as the possibility to print out copies of the cadastral plans in the cadastral database

Transfer notes

Assistance for the presentation of cadastral transfer notes following death, cancellation of usufruct, etc.


We provide assistance on a variety of cadastral issues such as updating of visas, insertion of documents never dealt with by the cadastre and so on.

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